INVEST-ES - English version
Program for Encouraging Investment in Espírito Santo State (ES-INVEST)
The Invest-ES is a tax incentive program that aims to contribute to the expansion, modernization and diversification of Espírito Santo productive sectors, encouraging investments, technological renewal of production structures and increase of the state competitiveness, with emphasis on generating employment and income and reducing social and regional inequalities.This program can benefit companies that carry out economic project considered of interest to the socioeconomic development of the state. The benefits for companies are:
I - Deferment of ICMS payment (VAT) levied on purchases of machinery and equipment for integration into the fixed assets in the property and levied on import operations of supplies and raw materials intended exclusively for the industrial establishment importer;
II - Credit presumed, in interstate operations, up to seventy percent of the amount of monthly tax payable;
III - Reduction of basis, internal operations, of up to seventy percent of its value;
IV - Other types of tax benefits, provided they comply with the limits and conditions stipulated in the benefits mentioned above.
Deployment projects, expansion projects, expansion or diversification of the productive capacity to provide for minimum increase, prior to the enjoyment of the benefit, 40% of installed capacity; revitalization projects of establishments which are on hold for at least 12 consecutive months, immediately before the date of filing application for concession of the benefit.
To claim the benefits, visit the web site of the State Development Secretariat (SEDES) and click on the banner "Invest-ES," at the final page. Through this link, you can submit an application for INVEST-ES grant and its investment project.
Currently, Bandes has a strong presence in the microfinance and credit for the micro and small enterprises. By believing in the Espírito Santo entrepreneur, the bank takes the credit to the whole state, in order to invest in new businesses and in the expansion of enterprises, which generate competitiveness and attract new customers and new opportunities.
Our priority is rural development. Therefore we capitalize on a methodology to gain agility in the release of resources at the service network through partners and consultants, and we have created financing lines, which virtually finance all small businesses needs, ranging from the fabrication of signboards, and the costs of business formalization, or even hiring consultants.
Our credit lines are flexible and include all productive activities. Among the sectors that benefit from such activities, the highlights are the commercial, industrial and services sectors.
The lines can be used to purchase machinery, equipment and tools, new or used, reform and expansion of physical facilities related activity; furniture and appliances, motorcycle, trailer and cargo bikes, repair suburban utility vehicle (suv) that are meant to the maintenance, adaptation or fitness for specific productive activities, purchase of fax machines and computers (including printers, peripherals and software that are essential to the activity performance).
There are also credit lines to support investments of deployment, expansion, relocation, modernization, diversification, technological and managerial development, rationalization and environmental control. Bandes also funds what has been purchased six months before the application date for funding - for civil works, machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures.
We also have funding lines to enable companies to adapt themselves to the requirements of environmental control agencies and work in accordance with best market practices.